Top Reads, Listens, Follows & Takeaways of the week
Wrestling with the Hedge Fund Paradox (here)
Elon’s Twitter Play as told by Aswath Damodaran (here)
Commodities as an Inflation Hedge? (here)
Return Stacking - Strategies for overcoming a low-return environment (here)
The Frustrated Realist with a great thread on nuclear power and uranium (here)
Kyla Scanlon says *Mess* Around and Find out (here)
Vanity Fair on Peter Thiel and the New Right (here)
When is the best time to start Roth IRA conversions? (here)
HBS from an outsider/insider’s perspective - was it worth it? (here)
Warren Buffett talks to Charlie Rose about life and investing (here)
Elon Musk on renewable energy, the future, demographics, and AI (here)
Biden’s student loan dilemma (here)
Chris Cole of Artemis Capital Management talks about his portfolio for the next 100 years (here)
Risk Parity, as done by Alex Shahidi of Evoke Advisors (here)
Rob Henderson talks about how “luxury beliefs” hurt the rest of us (here)
How bonds perform during rate hiking cycles, with the Pirates of Finance (here)
Adam Butler @GestaltU on Twitter
Barry Ritholtz @Ritholtz on Twitter
Cliff Asness @CliffordAsness on Twitter