Top Reads, Listens, Follows & Takeaways of the week
Verdad on the foundations of Countercyclical Investing (here)
AQR on building a better commodities portfolio (here)
Michael Cembalest of JPM on the elephants in the room regarding the energy transition (here)
Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly with 103 Bits of Advice (here)
Solutions are the Problem by Kyla Scanlon (here)
Is our current home building boom enough? (here)
The formerly fringe NBA player who became the head coach of the Boston Celtics (here)
The Time Tax (here)
The politics of student loan forgiveness (here)
Jamie Dimon on inflation and national security (here)
Kai Wu of Sparkline Capital and Meb Faber talk about how to value innovation (here)
Elizabeth Burton, CIO of Hawaii’s Employees' Retirement System, talks asset allocation (here)
Steve Drobny, founder of Clocktower Group, on the global investment landscape (here)
Corey Hoffstein, @choffstein, on Twitter
Cody Garrett, @MeasureTwiceMNY, on Twitter
Travis Gatzemeier, @T_Gatzemeier, on Twitter